Magyar Légimentő Nonprofit Kft., Hungarian air ambulance services, has  just recieved refurbished helicopters with the state of the art technology. Their new equipment includes ˚M Warmer System, which allows them for administration of blood products and IV fluids to patients at the point of injury or during transit to a hospital.


A number of recent studies show that early blood product transfusions have a significant benefit in mortality rates of bleeding patients. However, blood products and IV fluids should be always warmed up to body temperature before infusion as fluids less than body temperature might cause hypothermia, which is associated with high mortality in trauma patients.


Magyar Légimentő Nonprofit Kft., Facebook page:


˚M Warmer System that Magyar Légimentő adopted in its helicopters is easy to use with a short setup time of 30 seconds, and also has proven superior warming capacity. Learn more about ˚M Warmer System here.